Memo Entertainment / Inner Eye Entertainment
Got something to share or show off? Showboating may be tacky but displaying your talents in a way that brings you accolades and acclaim is inspiring. Go on, show us your secret talent or tell us a juicy piece of gossip. Don’t hide your light under a bushel, you’ve got to let it shine! (Viral Video Show)
This isn’t Antiques Roadshow but it is the show where you get to tell us about your thrift store jaunts. Second-hand stores are cool and what’s old is new again. Shopping at a thrift store is a lot like eating a box of chocolates with Forrest Gump. You never know what you’re gonna get. (Shop Showcase Show)
Seems like everywhere you turn someone is doing something bad to people — bilking them, swindling them, mistreating them, hurting them, etc. Forget that! We focus on the kind acts people commit everyday. We’ll restore your faith in humanity. Generosity, kindness, love, faith, charity and selfless service! Yes, we are capable of so much more! (Good News/Feel Good!)
Not another silly clip show!!! Like we don’t have enough of those already. I know, right? Well, in this one, we’ll showcase those brave or foolish enough to be featured on something called “Awfully Awesome Feats & Defeats!!” If those who attempt greatness succeed in their valiant efforts, their videos are labeled “awesome” but if they fail, it’s just plain “awful” — pretty simple, huh? (Viral Video Show)
Inquiries should be directed to:
Memo Entertainment Consortium
Rick Howahkan, Founder, President & Creative Director, Memo Entertainment Consortium
Thom Dodginghorse, Co-President of Entertainment, IEE, Flying Saucer Pictures, Enthusianimation
Gabrielle Claymore, Co-President of Entertainment, Play Make Believe Pictures, Happy Face Productions
Ben Morning Star, Executive Vice President, Research & Marketing, Memo Entertainment Consortium
Sarah Running Wolf, Senior Vice President & Production Chief, Memo Entertainment Consortium