Memo: Salute to a Fearless Warrior who Paid the Ultimate Price in the Hope and Fight for Freedom, Love and Peace: Alexei Navalny
Memo: Salute to a Fearless Warrior who Paid the Ultimate Price in the Hope and Fight for Freedom, Love and Peace: Alexei Navalny

Memo: Salute to a Fearless Warrior who Paid the Ultimate Price in the Hope and Fight for Freedom, Love and Peace: Alexei Navalny

The universe is about checks and balances and the imbalance felt all around the world will require a course correction soon. The evil doers such as the current occupant of the Kremlin will have to answer to a greater power. Love will always overcome and freedom will prevail in the end. We salute the champion for inalienable human rights Alexei Navalny. May his death not be in vain but as a beacon of hope for those who must fight for lasting change.


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